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More than manners is certainly a good tool to learn in a few hours
what we will only understand in a few years of practical experience.
Books like More than manners
can be a useful guide in our path to international success."
Stefano C., industrial consultant,
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read this book to help me land a job with a German company. ...
This book is a good confidence builder. ... I recommend it."
Anthony P., software engineer, from San Diego, USA |

"I wanted to enable people to have an idea how to avoid difficulties and not be frustrated." |

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"Your ...about
Germans and how Germans are supposed to behave
are probably the most accurate that I have found on the Web. A very honest picture of your people." Glenn
from the U.K |
> Home > Networking |

Building a Successful Network
- chapter excerpt -
When it comes to career changes in Germany, almost every second
job seeker takes advantage of good old personal contacts to help
him or her find a job. In comparison, ads in newspapers or on the
Internet lead only a mere third of job seekers to success. For this
reason, you should start creating and maintaining your own network
of personal contacts as early as possible.

Today, true networks are based less on family and
friends and more on good experiences that others have had with you
and the hard work that they have witnessed from you - both of which
go hand in hand with them generally liking you...
find tips in our article " The Career Impact of Social Networking: Only those who portray themselves positively can benefit"
You will find the entire article with a list of
the most important business networks in Germany in our book.
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Keywords: Networking, erfolgreich mit deutschen Kunden, deutsches Geschäftsprotokoll , deutsche Geschäftspraktiken versus amerikanische , deutsche Geschäftspraktiken , deutsche Geschäftsetikette und -manieren , deutsche Geschäftsetikette , deutsches Geschäftsumfeld , deutsche Geschäftstischeinstellungen , deutsche Geschäftsbräuche , deutsche Essays zur Geschäftskultur , Besonderheiten der deutschen Geschäftskultur , deutsche Geschäftskultur , deutsche Geschäftskorrespondenz Etikette , deutsche Geschäftswelt , Deutsch als Geschäftssprache , Geschlechterunterschiede in der deutschen Geschäftswelt , englische zu deutsche Geschäftsbegriffe , Geschäftsdeutsch und Training , Geschäftsdeutsch , Geschäftsetikette in Deutschland , Geschäftskommunikation deutsche etikette

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